Ready, Steady, GO!

Launch your iOS app 10x faster

This is not just another iOS boilerplate. SwiftSail includes everything you need to have and know to launch your next profitable iOS app to the AppStore.

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Proven strategies for profitability

SwiftSail is based on years of experiments and analysis I did for my best-selling app Trading Tracker which currently makes over $3500/month. I share everything I know about selling subscriptions on the AppStore, driving an organic traffic to your app and you can learn from my mistakes.

Focus on what's truly important, your idea

SwiftSail offers a smooth sail to launch your product as fast as possible. Don't waste time setting up the boilerplate code again and again. Instead, re-use recurring steps and setups and focus on the most important thing - your business logic. Here's what you'll get:

In-App Purchases

High-conversion paywall strategyCreate your remote paywallQuick and easy 3-minute setupTips & tricks for your paywall
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Don't waste time. Earn money as fast as possible.

$100 offfor the first 50 customers (32 left)




In-App Purchases SubscriptionsApple Sign-InGoogle Sign-InClean Architecture Boilerplate CodebaseSwiftData repositorySwiftUI UI ComponentsAppStore Search Optimization guideAppStore rejection supportApp Reviews tipsLifetime updates
One-time payment. Unlimited use.
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In-App Purchases SubscriptionsApple Sign-InGoogle Sign-InClean Architecture Boilerplate CodebaseSwiftData repositorySwiftUI UI ComponentsAppStore Search Optimization guideAppStore rejection supportApp Reviews tipsLifetime updates
Updated 1 day ago
One-time payment. Unlimited use.
Who's behind this?

Why should you trust me?


Hi 👋, this is Maros.

I am a software engineer for over 10 years and I work as a freelance iOS developer.

I also build my own iOS apps and try to make money on the AppStore.

I am the author of Trading Tracker that makes over $3500/month and is still growing.

Why I built SwiftSail?

Each and every iOS app basically starts the same - you create a new Xcode project, create your basic folder structure, setup all of the required SDKs, code your own design system, etc...

This can be fun for the first, or even second time. But then it's, well, boring. For some of my latest projects I always end up copying over files from my older projects and the whole process is just too time consuming.

That's why I decided to build SwiftSail. To allow me, and other indie devs, to quickly get up and running with all the boiler plate code, clean architecture layers, and so on.

And this is not just another iOS boilerplate. I am giving away my insights, tips and tricks on how to build a profitable paywall, when is the best time to show it, should you offer monthly or annual subscription, and many more...

I also share one little secret hack I am using to boost my AppStore ranking and grow the revenue even more.

If you're not sure about this product and its value, go checkout my YouTube channel or reach out on Twitter!

Any questions?

Frequently asked questions

If you didn't find your answer here, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or Email